/* * jsort - jqury sorting plugin * http://do-web.com/jsort/overview * * copyright 2011, miriam zusin * dual licensed under the mit or gpl version 2 licenses. * http://do-web.com/jsort/license */ (function($){ htmlslideplayer = function(object,config){ this.obj = object; this.n =0; this.j =0; this.first_show = 1; var _this = this; var _obj = this.obj; var t; var defaults = {fontsize:12,right:10,bottom:15,time:5000,autosize:0,slidearrow:false}; this.config = $.extend(defaults,config); this.count = $(_obj + " li").length; this.factory = function(){ //元素定位 $(_obj).css({position:"relative",zindex:"0",overflow:"hidden", height: $(_obj + " ul").height() + "px" }); $(_obj).prepend("
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  • ') $("#pre_banner_802 ul").append(img); }) }) $(function(){ var pre_banner = new htmlslideplayer("#pre_banner_802",{autosize:1,fontsize:12,time:3000}); })